A place to talk about idols, celebrities and why we like them so much.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

MY IDOL – By Maria Luiza

It’s not easy to talk about my idol because He is not only an idol, He is everything to me. His name is Jesus Christ: the God’s son.

There are many reasons for me to have Him as an idol, and one of them is my own existence.

He gave me a proof of His love with His own life! Jesus Christ lived as an ordinary man. He shared His precious blood with us to save humanity. He suffered to give us a new life, peace, love and happiness. He created us like His image and that’s why we are His special creation.

His love is greatest than life! He loves me as I am. His words are everything to me; it is the light that shines my way. Jesus is my unconditional idol, I love Him.

For the ones that read this text, I leave the following message: Jesus Christ died and revived for me and for you, so He can be your idol too!

Project from
Maria Luiza A. Gabriel
Progress 3
Teacher Fátima

Centro Britânico
Perdizes Branch


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