A place to talk about idols, celebrities and why we like them so much.

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Francisco Cândido Xavier was born on April, 2nd, 1910, in Pedro Leopoldo, Minas Gerais. His parents were simple people. His mother died when he was 5 years old. His father (father of 9 children) gave him to his godmother to raise him.

As a child, he learned to feel calm and patient when he suffered aggressions from his godmother. Whenever this happened he went to his house’s backyard where he met his mother after praying.
After some time, Chico couldn’t see his mother frequently, but started to dream and wake up at night to speak with invisible people and in the morning he told stories about dead people.
His father thought that his son was being disturbed by the devil and took him to a priest. Sad for not being understood, Chico talked to his mother and she advised him to stay silent. During 7 years (1920 – 1927) he didn’t see his mother and followed the catholic religion.

He kept dreaming. In 1927, his sister became sick and a couple of sipiritists made the first spiritist session in his house; in this session his mother manifested and asked her son to study two books: “O Evangelho Segundo o Espiritismo” and “O Livro dos Espíritos”.
His psychography of spiritualistic medium manifested at school, where Chico wrote truly literary texts.
In May, 1927, the first spiritist session took place at Xavier’s home, in Pedro Leopoldo. At the end of this year, was open the sipirist center Luiz Gonzaga.

On July 8th, 1927, Chico Xavier made his first spiritist service in public. His first psychography book was published in 1931.
In 1950, Chico had received more than 50 psychography books and then he became famous in Brazil and in the world.
On January 5th, 1959, he moved to Uberaba, beginning the public work at “Comunhão Espítira Cristã”.
His work has always consisted in doctrine divulging and in assistance activities, together with evangelical service and comfort people that came looking for him.
He wrote 400 books using psychography and the money from these books was given to beneficent entities.

Chico always lived only with the money necessary to live; he was a simple man and didn’t accumulate money.

He continued working despite his ill-health.
Chico Xavier died on June 30th, 2002, in Uberaba, while Brazilian people celebrated the World Cup; a happy day for Brazilians, as he had wished.

Project from
Genda Heri Belini
Steps 8
Teacher Laura

Centro Britânico
Pompéia Branch


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