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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Clarice Lispector

Clarice Lispector was born in December 10, 1920, in Tchechelnik, a small village in Ukraine, the homeland of her parents, Pedro and Marietta Lispector. In 1922, she and her family moved to Brazil. Her first novel “ Perto do Coração Selvagem” [Close to the Wild Heart], was published in 1944.

Her contribution to the Portuguese language, according to Fernando Pessoa ,is as big as of Guimarães Rosa. She knew English and French well, but she wrote only in Portuguese, her native language. The compulsion to write made her feel dead when she was not writing.

Clarice wrote novels, short stories, stories for children and other texts. She used to use her childhood in the rural area in Pernambuco as subject for the texts. She was different, transgressing. She was always recreating herself, devouring herself.

Clarice represents an inimitable person in Brazilian literature. What she did, in an original way, was to create moments of illumination and revelation. She created the epiphany. Epiphany is the living sensation of the reality, which is saved by art.

Clarice died of cancer in December 9, 1977, just one day before she would be 57 years old.
Some of her books are:
A hora da estrela
Laços de família
No começo era de fato o verbo
Alguns contos
Água viva

Project from
Sylvia Milan and Giuliana Bouchabik
Higher 3
Teacher Virginia

Centro Britânico
Pompéia Branch


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