A place to talk about idols, celebrities and why we like them so much.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Francisco Buarque de Hollanda, our "Chico", is a Brazilian musician, composer and writer.

He became famous because of his music commenting the social, economic and cultural conditions in Brazil. Many songs from Chico talk about the dictatorship period.
In this time, he had a pseudonym to continue composing without being censored: Julinho da Adelaide. With this pseudonym, he composed just 3 songs.

He is also famous for his songs which talk about female matters. He talks about women in such beautiful way that it impressed everyone. Among these songs there are well known ones such as: "Olhos nos olhos", "Teresinha" and "Atrás da porta".

Chico wrote music for the poem "Morte e Vida Severina" for a scenic play in 1965. Since then, his presence in Brazilian theater has been constant. Buarque has a lot of music styles, but his "sambas" are more popular like "Vai passar", "Desalento" and "Deixa a menina". Presently, in 2006, a new cd is being released in the stores.

Project from
Mariana Kaludin Sarro
Advanced 3
Teacher Beatriz

Centro Britânico
Pompéia Branch


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