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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Karen Orzolek (Karen O) was born in New Jersey and studied in the Oberlin College, in Ohio, and one day she made a friendship with Chase, a jazz fan. A time later, she was transferred to New York where she started to study cinema, although being interested in music. Then, one night Karen was at the Mars Bar, got drunk and knew Nick Zinner, who besides being a crazy photographer, also was a guitarist. In a few time, that night, the two talked as if they already knew each other for ages.

Nick and Karen started to compose together songs and thus they form the embryo of the YYY's: the Unitard. The songs of the Unitard, in contrast of the Yeahs, were in such a way very “slow”, but the two had decided to abandon the melancholy acoustics of the group and form a rock band, that was what they tried. Then, Brian is encharged foe the drums and Karen came to New York.

Thus finally the “ Yeah Yeah Yeahs” was formed officially in 2000… In this exactly year, they opened some shows for the White Stripes. Close to 2001 the Yeah Yeah Yeahs recorded its EP homonym with 5 bands in the studios of Teel' s Funhouse in Manhattan.

The popularity and the expectations around the band grew little by little and the YYYs started to make tours in U.S.A. with other bands, as “Girls Against Boys”, followed by one tour in Europe with the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion and the accessories and clothes as t-shirts written “Wanna F ** k”
And the bracelets in London became a sensation.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - "Y-Control"

Oh so far my lovin goes
Under the fog fog fog
And I will leave them all
Well, i'm just a poor little baby
Cause I will leave them all
Oh so while you're growing old
under the gun gun gun

And I will leave them all
Well i'm just one poor baby
Cause well i will leave them all
i wish i could buy back
the woman you stole*

Y-control, y-control
You walk, walk, walk, walk, walk
my winners
Out of control, out of control
You walk walk walk walk walk
my winners

out of control, out of control
you walk walk walk walk walk
my winners

out of control, out of control
you walk walk walk walk walk
my winners

oh so far my lovin goes
under the fog fog fog
and i will leave them all
well i'm just a poor little baby

Cause, well, i will leave them all
I wish i could buy
back the woman you stole

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - "No No No"

Well I'm frozen like a soldier
Don't know where it stays all over the place
Time froze like an ocean
Don't know the taste of a never ending ache
No No No No

Why I hurry when I'm home
I hurry when I'm home, I'll go
No No No
Why I hurry when I'm home, I'll go

Oh I'll go
It's really not bad not worse than you thought
He'll never come back, he's the man you dropped
He'll never come back, he's the man you loved
It's really not bad not worse than you thought

He'll never come back, he's the man you dropped
He'll never come back, he's the man you loved
I told her, I told her, I told her, I'll go
I told her, I told her, I told her...
No No No No No

-Albums: Maps, Pin, Date, Machine, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, fever To Tell and Show Your Bones.

-Top 3: Maps, Way Out, Warrior.

-Official website: http://www.yeahyeahyeahs.com/

-Lyrics: http://yeah-yeah-yeahs.letras.terra.com.br/

-Videos at Youtube: *Gold Lion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQYXaC4diyA
*Maps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsU7mZlMhNM
*Y Control http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgJTS-IXC2A

-MySpace: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=2096735

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