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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Anderson Luis de Abreu Oliveira

Anderson is, nowadays, a very-good soccer player.

Anderson Luis de Abreu Oliveira, has born in a small city in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, he had a very poor childhood, but his mom forced Anderson a lot always to go to school.
And in the afternoon he used to play soccer in the street, with his friends.

One day he passed in a soccer test to play in Grêmio, and he went to the Junior squad of Grêmio, and last year, when Grêmio was trying for the second national division of soccer, he went for the first team.
And then, he became a famous soccer player, but for the sadness of the Grêmio fans, in January he will go to Portugal to play in the Portuguese team Porto.Today he is famous all around the world, and now he is rich.

Project from
Matheus de Souza
Progress 2
Teacher Fernanda M.

Centro Briânico
Perdizes Branch


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