A place to talk about idols, celebrities and why we like them so much.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Inspiring Rebel

Agenor de Miranda Araújo Neto was born on 4 April ,1958, in Rio de Janeiro . Known as “Cazuza”, which means “quiet and solitary”, her liked most the nickname.
Being a rebel , his slogan was: “Sex, drugs and rock’ n’ roll”. He loved Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Rolling Stones’ songs. In 1976, Lucia, his mother, discovered that Cazuza had become bisexual and addicted to drugs, so she made him work in a record studio “Som Livre”. Some years later, he made a photograph course. Even though, anything made he satisfied.

Cazuza decided to study theater but he was hopeless in spite of singing very well. In 1981 he joined a Rock group “Barão Vermelho” as the leade. In the following year, they released their first album including the main song: “Todo amor que houver nessa vida”. But the group only achieved success in 1983 with the hit: “Pro dia nascer feliz”. They sold more then 100.000 copies in 6 months. The group achieved national fame in the following year with "Bete Balanço," the title song for Lael Rodrigues' film,in which the band also appeared. It was included in their third album, Maior Abandonado (Of Age And Abandoned), with the equally popular title track.

They performed in “Rock ‘n Rio”, but unfortunately, Cazuza splited up from the group. Days later, exams were made and proved: the virus HIV had contaminated him.In spite of this, Cazuza continued singing and making shows during 3 years, when he had his carrier interrupted by the illness. In 1988, Cazuza received a grammy for “the best singer” and “ the best song”.Supported by the public, he decided to release his last album: “O tempo não pára”, which sold more then 560.000 copies.

In 1989, Cazuza traveled for the second time to Boston, trying to save his life, but unfortunately on 7 July 1990, he died.But before his death , Cazuza became the first Brazilian celebrity to announce publicly that he had AIDS. More than just a singer, he was also a rebel who showed courage to fight for what he thought was the best.The fact that he brilliantly showed his opinion in his music and kept fighting his illness inspired us ,so he turned into an idol for us.

Project from
Gisela Chulman
Claudia Pezzuto

Higher 3
Teacher Virginia

Centro Britânico
Pompéia Branch


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