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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Raquel de Queirós

Raquel de Queirós was born in Fortaleza, Ceará, on 17th November ,1910. and died in Rio de Janeiro on 4th November, 2003. She is one of the most important Brazilian writers.
In 1921 she started studying at “Colégio Imaculada Conceição”, where she graduated.
In 1927 she worked as a journalist for “O Ceara”newspaper.

When she was twenty years old, she had already begun her literary career with her first romance “O quinze” and became known by it. When she wrote this book, she portrayed the problem of the earth and the Brazilian northeastern men, who just accepted their destiny.
Among other works the ‘Memorial de Maria Moura’ , published in 1992, is very famous and brought her the trophy ‘Juca Pato’ , an award to intellectual celebrities in Brazil.

As a diplomat she participated in the 21th session of the U.N. general assembly in 1966, when she serviced as a Brazilian delegate, working specially in the commission of the human rights. She was also a member of the “Conselho Federal de Cultura from its creation in 1967 up to 1985.

In 1977, she was the first female writer to enter the “Academia Brasileira de Letras”.
Later ,in 1993, she received in Portugal the “Camões”, the most important prize of the Portuguese language.

We are very proud of her work and her contribution to the society.

Project from
Natasha Engelsman and Rafaela de Matos
Higher 3
Teacher Virginia

Centro Britânico
Pompéia Branch


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