A place to talk about idols, celebrities and why we like them so much.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

“My Idol”

My idol is my dad.
He is a man I admire.

He is always there for me. I never feel alone when I’m near him.
When I’m scared, he is the one who I look for, because by his side all the bad things go away. I can talk about anything with him. He always listens to me. He is tender.

Every night he gives me a good night kiss.
Between us there is nothing wrong, but everytime I talk about him I become very emotional and I cry and I don’t know why.

My biggest fear is losing him. I don’t know what I will do when he isn’t here.
But I know we will never be far, he will be wherever I am. I spent my vacation on my grandmother’s house, his mother. I spend one, sometimes two months far away from him. And when we see each other again, he gives me a big hug and says: “I missed you” and I say the same.

I like when he calls me just to say hello and to know how I am.
My dad is so funny. I laugh a lot with him. When my subjects at school are difficult, I ask him to help me and sometimes I guess he knows everything. So, I don’t have many things to say about my idol.

I just love him, more than any other thing in my life.

Project from
Luiza De La Costa
Progress 1
Teacher Cristina

Centro Britânico
Pompéia Branch


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