A place to talk about idols, celebrities and why we like them so much.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

My idol

I will write about my idol, and she is my mother. She become my idol because she works a lot, she does a lot of things to make the family happy and she helps when we have troubles. My mom works near my home, she has a petshop and works there. She comes from the country and with my dad, they openned the petsop. She is 57 years old and she has the energy of a 20-years-old person.
My mom likes to read, calm music and to be in contact with knew things. She is average height, she has short hair and her hair is black. She isn’t fat and isn’t thin she is middle weight.
One of the reasons why she turned to be my idol is that she works a lot and helps anyone, and she is important to me because she is my mother and when is close I’m happy.

Project from
Rafael Takahashi Okamoto
Progress 3
Teacher Laura

Centro Britânico
Pompéia Branch


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