A place to talk about idols, celebrities and why we like them so much.

Monday, October 23, 2006


Everybody, everywhere has an idol. It doesn’t matter if the idol is a soccer player, a rock star or just your dad. Cause an idol is an idol, no matter who he is.

My idol is a different idol, cause I began to admire him after he came back to Palmeiras team.
Well, now you guys know that he is a soccer player. And his name is…Edmundo, the famous “Animal”.
But the reason why I admire him is that in the past Edmundo was a very nervous, violent and problematic player. And because of this, he had a lot of problems in his personal and professional life. Problems like fighting in a club, arguing with team players and he even caused a person’s death in a car crash.
After all this, he left soccer for a while and disappeared from the media. Some years later, he came back to play soccer again and he was different. He was another person.
That “old” Edmundo, the “Animal” was past. A new Edmundo was born. A calm person, a peaceful man, who could understand the problems and resolve them very calmly. It was exactly the opposite Edmundo.
And that’s why I admire him. Cause he learnt with the past and changed his future. And this is a life lesson. No matter how horrible your past could be. If you learn with it and change in the future, you can say that your horrible past taught something good.
Now, I think you guys know my idol and why I admire him. And the best is the life lesson that I learnt from him.

Project from
Giovanni Rinaldo
Progress 2
Teacher Cristina

Centro Britânico
Pompéia Branch


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