A place to talk about idols, celebrities and why we like them so much.

Monday, October 23, 2006


My idol is my father, because he is funny, understanding, loving, affectionate, handsome, tall, thin....
My father is the best father in the world.
I love my idol.
He works in a bank as a lawyer. He is intelligent and loves me.
My father can’t play soccer, volleyball or tennis. He is a simple man, but for me he is my hero. He likes animals, family, talking to me, working, cars and sports on TV. He doesn´t like to practice sports and eat chocolate.

· My father is taller than I am.
· My father is the most intelligent person in my family.
· I am funnier than my father

My idol is different! He is my family, my world!!! I love him and he loves me!
I have one million reasons to love him, but the main reason is that he dedicates his life to make me happy.


Project from
Larissa Lopes
Starter 3 M/W
Teacher Cristina

Centro Britânico
Pompéia Branch


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